Systems & Processes
Supplier profile
During FY21 there has been a general decrease in supplier spend due to cost reduction initiatives such as the Operational Edge program. This has been offset by the integration of the supplier spend for Perth Energy into the data from FY21, following its acquisition in FY20.
Supplier spend refers to spend on suppliers by AGL Energy (including AGL Macquarie, AGL Loy Yang and AGL Torrens).
Data excludes settlements' vendor spend (i.e. energy trading related suppliers).
The Supplier Profile was re-baselined during FY19 due to the implementation of a new procurement system (PT3).
From FY20, the data only includes suppliers with whom AGL Energy has transacted over the financial year.
From FY20, data excludes AGL Energy's Wholesale Markets division and AGL Energy's ConnectNow business, and includes Superannuation and Taxation (i.e. ATO) as vendors as well as network vendors used on electricity and gas transmission.
Where vendors have multiple records, these duplicate records have been excluded where possible.
Prior to FY20, suppliers that provided goods or services to both AGL Macquarie and AGL Loy Yang were included twice.
Data excludes GST.
GRI Reference: 102-9