
Health and safety performance - contractors

The Total Injury Frequency Rate (TIFR) for contractors decreased from 4.1 to 3.0 in FY21, representing a 27% decrease. The Occupational Injury Frequency Rate (OIFR) decreased from 0.5 to 0.0.


  • TIFR: number of Lost Time and Medical Treatment Injuries classified as TIFR-related in a 12 month rolling period, per million hours worked in that 12 month period.

  • OIFR: number of Lost time and Medical Treatment Injuries classified as OIFR-related in a 12 month rolling period, per million hours worked in that 12 month period.

  • LTIFR: number of Lost Time Injuries classified as both TIFR and OIFR in a 12 month rolling period, per million hours worked in that 12 month period.

  • Data covers contractors working on behalf of AGL Energy on both AGL Energy sites and non-AGL Energy sites.

  • LTIFR include all incidents, not just those resulting in a Workers Compensation claim.

  • The number of hours worked in FY21 used as a basis for calculating TIFR, LTIFR and OIFR was 5,995,459 (FY20: 6,337,561 hours).

  • The safety performance of contractors engaged by Southern Phone Company and Perth Energy (both acquired during FY20) is included from FY21.

  • The safety performance of contractors engaged by Click Energy, Solgen and Epho (acquired during FY20) is included from FY21.

GRI Reference: 102-8; 403-9

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