
Carbon intensity of operated and controlled generation assets

The increase in controlled emissions intensity in FY21 was driven primarily by increased generation from AGL Loy Yang, as a result of increased availability relative to FY20 where the major outage of Unit 2 decreased output. The recovery of generation from Loy Yang A Power Station was partially offset by significantly reduced output from Liddell Power Station in FY21 due to unplanned outages, and increased output from the renewable portfolio. Market intensity decreased due to an increase in renewable generation.


  • FY21 data was updated in November 2021. At the time of the initial release of the FY21 ESG Data Centre on 12 August 2021, estimated FY21 data was provided based on measured emissions from material sources and measured electricity generation, with estimates for minor emissions sources. FY21 intensity figures have not changed upon revision.

  • Operated intensity comprises total Scope 1 and 2 emissions divided by total sent out generation of electricity generation facilities which fit within AGL Energy’s operated boundary. Operational control is as defined by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.

  • Controlled intensity comprises total Scope 1 and 2 emissions divided by total sent out generation of electricity generation facilities which fit within AGL Energy’s controlled boundary. AGL Energy’s controlled boundary includes all electricity assets for which AGL Energy has: ownership; and/or operational control as defined by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007; and/or contracted rights to control the dispatch of electricity of the asset.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions have generally been calculated in accordance with methodologies under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.

  • Electricity generation is measured on a 'sent-out' basis at the power station gate.

  • Average market intensity is the weighted average Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Intensity Index of the National Electricity Market, as determined from data published by AEMO.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride (as applicable).

GRI Reference: 305-1; 305-4

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