
Installed capacity of operated generation assets

AGL Energy's installed capacity of natural gas generation assets decreased in FY21 due to the mothballing of AGL Torrens units A2 and A4.


  • This breakdown includes only those generation facilities where AGL Energy held operational control as at 30 June in the corresponding financial year.

  • FY21 installed capacity is based on the registered capacity as at 30 June in the reporting year. For assets in the NEM the capacity is as per AEMO’s NEM Registration and Exemption List; for Kwinana Swift Power Station the capacity is based on the maximum capacity as per AEMO’s Wholesale Electricity Market data. Capacity for assets which are not operational is excluded. The recently completed 25 MW upgrade to the Bayswater Power Station is also included.

  • Slight differences from pre-FY21 data are caused by a change in methodology; previously installed capacity was listed as the lower of AEMO registered capacity and AEMO maximum capacity.

  • Historical data is available in the download file.

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