Ash waste disposed on-site, which is by far the largest of AGL Energy's waste streams, decreased from all sources: Bayswater Power Station (down 11%), Liddell Power Station (down 27%), and AGL Loy Yang (down 16%). This equated to a reduction in total ash disposed on-site of 18% compared to FY20. Ash volumes are based on the amount of coal consumed. Bayswater and Liddell power station ash volumes reduced relative to the reduction in coal consumption. Although AGL Loy Yang consumed more coal in FY21, there was less ash disposed in the landfill due to the ash pond not being as full.
Hazardous waste disposed increased 14% compared to FY20. Most facilities reported an increase in hazardous waste disposal, however the increase is mainly due to increased hazardous waste disposed at the Newcastle Gas Storage Facility. The increase is able to be attributed to several activities carried out on-site, including amine pump replacement, cleaning and flushing of systems, and oil replacement and flashing.
Hazardous waste recycled declined 19% compared to FY20, mainly due to the reduction in waste recycled at Torrens Island Power Station, which has returned to comparable waste production levels as FY19. FY20 waste production was high due to significant construction activities carried out at the facility.
Non-Hazardous waste disposed increased 24%, due to the increase in waste production at AGL Loy Yang, as a result of increased waste water disposal in March-April 2021.
For the purposes of this data set, AGL Torrens comprises the Torrens Island Power Station and the Barker Inlet Power Station.
AGL Energy is focused on minimising waste generation and managing waste in accordance with the waste management hierarchy of ‘avoidance, resource recovery, disposal’. AGL’s Waste Standard and Waste Standard Methodology applies to AGL controlled sites where waste is generated, and covers all waste management activities including waste segregation, storage, transportation, reuse, recycling, treatment or disposal carried out by AGL employees and contractors. The Waste Standard has 16 minimum controls to ensure that: potential risks from waste management activities (e.g. waste transportation, treatment, and disposal) to the environment and human health are minimised to as low as reasonably practicable; generation of waste is managed and minimised as far as practicable and in accordance with the waste management hierarchy, relevant legislation, and approvals; and regulatory license conditions and other compliance obligations with respect to the management of waste are met. The Waste Standard Methodology provides guidance on how to achieve the Waste Standard minimum controls.
Unless otherwise indicated, waste categorised as 'disposed' and 'recycled' refer to waste taken offsite for these purposes.
AGL Loy Yang manages the disposal of its own fly ash (non-hazardous waste) as well as the fly ash produced by the neighbouring Loy Yang B power station. Figures reported above include two-thirds of the amount of fly ash disposed by AGL Loy Yang, which is the best estimate of the proportion of fly ash originating from AGL Energy’s power generation activities at AGL Loy Yang.