Managed water
AGL Hydro is the main contributor to managed water reported by AGL Energy. In FY21 AGL Hydro managed water increased 14%. This is mainly due to an increase at the Yarrawonga Power Station, which experienced significant outages in FY20 meaning a much lower amount of managed water was reported in that period. As operations resumed, managed water returned to levels observed in FY19 and earlier.
Managed water at AGL Macquarie (Bayswater and Liddell power stations) decreased 25% compared to FY20 due to reduced generation at Bayswater and Liddell power stations.
AGL Torrens managed water decreased by 12%. This aligns with the general reduction in activity observed at the facility during FY21, including the removal of heavy fuel oil from site, and the decommissioning of three generator units (A1, A2, and A4).
Managed water comprises non-consumptive use of water.
AGL Hydro Managed Water includes the following facilities, West Kiewa, Bogong, Clover, Mckay, Dartmouth, Banimboola, Eildon, Rubicon Scheme, Cairn Curran, Yarrawonga, Burrendong, Copeton, Pindari, and Glenbawn power stations.