
Customer churn

AGL Energy churn was 14.3%, consistent with the prior year. Rest of market churn increased 0.3 ppts to 19.7%. Overall market churn has increased as the number of customers changing their energy provider has normalised to levels more consistent with before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The gap between AGL Energy and the rest of the market was 5.4 ppts, up from 5.1 ppts at 30 June 2020, reflecting alignment of targeted marketing strategy and market conditions, with increased retentions from movers and fewer customers switching.


  • Churn is defined as a completed transfer of a customer to a competing retailer.

  • Churn figures relate to residential and small business energy customers and do not include commercial and industrial customers or Southern Phone Company customers.

  • Rest of market churn refers to churn that takes place in the energy market excluding churn from AGL Energy.

  • FY21 rest of market churn includes the transfer of Click Energy customers to AGL Energy.

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