Ombudsman complaints
Customer First is a focused, three-year program to reduce Ombudsman complaints by 50% against FY18 volumes by the end of FY22. Throughout FY21 this program delivered significant uplifts to systems, data capture and processes with direct benefits flowing through to improve the customer experience and complaints reporting. This resulted in a 23% reduction in Ombudsman complaints compared to last year, and a 48% reduction against FY18 volumes, nearing our target, one year ahead of schedule.
Reported figures represent complaints to the various state energy Ombudsman offices that are provided to AGL Energy for resolution. Enquiries, complaints referred to other agencies or instances where the customer has been advised by the Ombudsman to contact AGL Energy directly are not included.
ActewAGL complaints are excluded.
Data includes Ombudsman complaints related to Powerdirect and APG.
Numbers are based on complaints figures provided by the Ombudsmen of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. Complaints recorded for Queensland are based on AGL Energy's internal complaints reporting systems until November 2017, after which time AGL Energy started receiving monthly reports from the Queensland Ombudsman.
AGL commenced retailing gas in Western Australia in FY17 and Ombudsman complaints were recorded for the first time in FY18.
During FY19, AGL Energy changed the method of calculating complaints per 10,000 customers. Data for complaints per 10,000 customers up to and including FY18 was calculated by the total Ombudsman complaints received in the month and customer numbers at the end of the month, averaged across the year. For FY19 onwards, data relates to the sum of Ombudsman complaints over the last 12 months divided by the average of customer numbers over the last 12 months multiplied by 10,000.
Ombudsman complaint volumes exclude Telco complaints.
Click Energy complaint volumes have been included from April 2021 onwards. While most schemes report these volumes under the AGL Energy entity, some schemes will continue to report them separately into early FY22. These Click Energy volumes have been included in the AGL Energy total.