Electricity output by primary energy source
Total electricity output decreased in FY21, primarily driven by reduced generation from Bayswater and Liddell power stations (black coal) resulting from increased outages. This was partly offset by increased generation from AGL Loy Yang (brown coal) due to recovery from a major unit outage in FY20. Natural gas generation decreased overall due to the mothballing of the A2 and A4 units at AGL Torrens during FY21, and reduced output from Kwinana Swift Power Station in FY21; this was partly offset by increased generation from Barker Inlet Power Station as FY21 was its first full year of operation. Hydro generation decreased in FY21 due to significant plant outages and decreased water releases. Increased wind generation was primarily driven by increased output from Coopers Gap Wind Farm during its commissioning phase. Generation from landfill gas, biomass and biogas was zero as the portfolio of landfill gas, biomass and biogas generation assets formerly known as the National Assets was sold in FY19.
Data relates to the sent-out electricity generation from assets over which AGL Energy has operational control regardless of who owns the asset. Assets where AGL Energy controls or has rights to the electricity output only are not included.
In addition to the electricity output shown, in FY21, AGL Energy produced 126 TJ of heat energy (as steam) from AGL Energy's operated natural gas cogeneration facilities. This comprised steam produced at AGL Torrens and sold to Air Liquide.
Hydro output in FY20 has been revised from 715 GWh to 784 GWh.
Output is rounded to the nearest GWh.