Average level of debt of customers on Staying Connected
The net number of customers on Staying Connected remained consistent across FY21, however there were key events during the year which resulted in sudden increases in customers seeking support. These related to relaxation of the restrictions on collections activities under the AER’s ‘Statement of Expectations of energy businesses: Protecting customers and the energy market during COVID-19’ and the ESC’s written guidance to energy retailers. The most impactful of these occurred in August 2020 for jurisdictions which have adopted the National Energy Customer Framework and February 2021 for Victoria.
Staying Connected Overall debt levels increased across FY21 which was directly related to customers seeking hardship support later than previously observed. This resulted in customers joining Staying Connected with higher average arrears. This is directly related to COVID-19 pandemic and regulatory restrictions on collections activities across FY21.
Staying Connected is AGL Energy's program for energy customers who have been identified as being in financial hardship.
The number of customers relates to the number of customers on the program as of 30 June in the reporting year.
The average level of energy debt calculated represents the outstanding debt at the Staying Connected customer (rather than account) level as of 30 June in the reporting year.
Click Energy customers (acquired during FY21) are included in the data from FY21.
Debt levels include GST.