Communities & Relationships
RepTrak reputation score
AGL Energy’s RepTrak score was 66.7, 1.4 points lower than AGL Energy’s highest ever recorded reputation of 68.3 for the same time last year. Overall, AGL Energy has maintained the increase in reputation achieved since FY18 despite the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 as well as significant events during FY21 including the announcement of the proposed demerger, leadership changes, and the recent Greenpeace Australia campaign. Of note, over the last 12 months we have seen increases in key drivers of reputation such as 'governance' and 'leadership'.
RepTrak measures the reputation of the 60 largest companies operating nationally every quarter. These companies are determined by the revenue classification of the IBISWorld Top 2000 list. RepTrak also measures the reputation of other companies, provided they have a familiarity level over 30%. The results represent perceptions of reputation among Australians 18+ who are familiar with AGL Energy.
The RepTrak score reflects the most recent score reported to AGL Energy by RepTrak at the time of publication of the Annual Report. FY18 to FY21 results reflect the score for the June quarter.
AGL Energy's RepTrak ranking declined from 35th in June 2020 to 47th in June 2021.