
Operational greenhouse gas footprint (material sites and fuels)

This graph shows the Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions associated with the combustion of black coal and diesel at the Bayswater and Liddell power stations, black and brown coal and natural gas at AGL Loy Yang, and gas and fuel oil at AGL Torrens. These represent AGL's material sources of greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. over 99% of Scope 1 emissions, over 90% of Scope 2 emissions, and over 98% of Scope 1 and 2 emissions combined). During FY21, emissions from AGL Loy Yang increased as a result of increased availability relative to FY20 where the major outage of Unit 2 constrained output. The drop in emissions from Liddell Power Station, and to a lesser extent Bayswater Power Station, was due to increased unplanned outages in FY21. Emissions decreased from AGL Torrens due to the mothballing of its A2 and A4 units, as well as Barker Inlet Power Station coming on line in the second half of FY20.


  • FY21 data was updated in November 2021. At the time of the initial release of the FY21 ESG Data Centre on 12 August 2021, estimated FY21 data was provided based on measured emissions from material sources and measured electricity generation where data was available, with estimates where data was not yet available. After finalisation of AGL's emissions reporting in October 2021, the material fuels footprint for AGL Loy Yang has been revised from 19,365 to 19,364 ktCO2e, and AGL Torrens material emissions have been revised from 971 to 969 ktCO2e.

  • Data includes Scope 1 emissions for material fuels and scope 2 emissions. Macquarie Shared Services emissions are apportioned to Bayswater and Liddell power stations. AGL Loy Yang emissions include coal extraction emissions from FY19 onward, and material diesel consumption from FY20.

  • FY20 emissions have been updated to include emissions from the Macquarie Shared Services facility which have been apportioned to Bayswater and Liddell power stations based on generation output.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions have been calculated in accordance with National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act methodologies.

  • Figures have been rounded to the nearest ktCO2e.

GRI Reference: 305-1; 305-2

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