Data Centre
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer churn
Ombudsman complaints
Energy sold
Services to customers
Dual fuel (electricity and gas) customers
Electricity customers paid a feed-in tariff
Online sales volumes
Digital adoption
Average level of debt of customers on Staying Connected
Customer debt
Customers on standing offers
Services per customer
Communities & Relationships
Community contributions
Employee Giving and event fundraising
Employee Volunteering
Powering our Community
AGL Community Funds
Community contribution by charitable cause
Community contribution by program area
Community contribution by motivation for investment
Community contribution by contribution type
Effective tax rate
Effective tax rate reconciliation
Australian tax contribution summary
RepTrak reputation score
Industry association membership fees
Political donations
Health and safety performance - employees
Health and safety performance - contractors
Health and safety performance - combined employees and contractors
Other HSE performance indicators
HSE Certification
Employee engagement
Attrition by tenure
Key talent retention
Employees by location
Employees by age
Employees by employment status
Employees by contract type
Awarded employees
Casual and contractor workforce
Employees by gender
AGL Board of Directors by gender
Women in leadership
Workforce diversity statistics
Parental leave
Internal and new hires by contract type
Internal and new hires by seniority
Workplace issues resolution
Greenhouse & Energy
Energy consumption by primary fuel source
Operational greenhouse gas footprint (material sites and fuels)
Operational greenhouse gas footprint (by activity type)
Operational greenhouse gas footprint and net energy production
Carbon intensity of operated and controlled generation assets
Emissions intensity of total revenue
Revenue from green energy and carbon neutral products and services
Revenue from thermal coal
Carbon intensity of coal seam gas projects
Volume of flared and vented hydrocarbon
Equity greenhouse gas footprint
Energy supply greenhouse gas footprint
Water consumption by facility
Water withdrawal by source
Managed water
Produced water - volume
Produced water - quality and disposal method
Air emissions - carbon monoxide (CO)
Air emissions - oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
Air emissions - particulates (PM2.5)
Air emissions - particulates (PM10)
Air emissions - sulphur dioxide (SO2)
Air emissions - volatile organic compounds (VOC)
Air emissions - lead (Pb)
Air emissions - mercury (Hg)
Site rehabilitation and restoration
Installed capacity of operated generation assets
Electricity output by primary energy source
Pool generation volume
Equivalent availability factor
Wind farm generation
Controlled renewable and electricity storage capacity
Grid-scale batteries
Distributed assets under orchestration
Systems & Processes
Legislative non-compliance summary
Supplier profile
Supplier performance
First tier suppliers
Reportable privacy incidents
Major IT incidents
GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards)
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index
UN Global Compact: Communication on Progress
Assurance Statement
FY21 ESG Data Centre
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer churn
Ombudsman complaints
Energy sold
Services to customers
Dual fuel (electricity and gas) customers
Electricity customers paid a feed-in tariff
Online sales volumes
Digital adoption
Average level of debt of customers on Staying Connected
Customer debt
Customers on standing offers
Services per customer
Communities & Relationships
Community contributions
Employee Giving and event fundraising
Employee Volunteering
Powering our Community
AGL Community Funds
Community contribution by charitable cause
Community contribution by program area
Community contribution by motivation for investment
Community contribution by contribution type
Effective tax rate
Effective tax rate reconciliation
Australian tax contribution summary
RepTrak reputation score
Industry association membership fees
Political donations
Health and safety performance - employees
Health and safety performance - contractors
Health and safety performance - combined employees and contractors
Other HSE performance indicators
HSE Certification
Employee engagement
Attrition by tenure
Key talent retention
Employees by location
Employees by age
Employees by employment status
Employees by contract type
Awarded employees
Casual and contractor workforce
Employees by gender
AGL Board of Directors by gender
Women in leadership
Workforce diversity statistics
Parental leave
Internal and new hires by contract type
Internal and new hires by seniority
Workplace issues resolution
Greenhouse & Energy
Energy consumption by primary fuel source
Operational greenhouse gas footprint (material sites and fuels)
Operational greenhouse gas footprint (by activity type)
Operational greenhouse gas footprint and net energy production
Carbon intensity of operated and controlled generation assets
Emissions intensity of total revenue
Revenue from green energy and carbon neutral products and services
Revenue from thermal coal
Carbon intensity of coal seam gas projects
Volume of flared and vented hydrocarbon
Equity greenhouse gas footprint
Energy supply greenhouse gas footprint
Water consumption by facility
Water withdrawal by source
Managed water
Produced water - volume
Produced water - quality and disposal method
Air emissions - carbon monoxide (CO)
Air emissions - oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
Air emissions - particulates (PM2.5)
Air emissions - particulates (PM10)
Air emissions - sulphur dioxide (SO2)
Air emissions - volatile organic compounds (VOC)
Air emissions - lead (Pb)
Air emissions - mercury (Hg)
Site rehabilitation and restoration
Installed capacity of operated generation assets
Electricity output by primary energy source
Pool generation volume
Equivalent availability factor
Wind farm generation
Controlled renewable and electricity storage capacity
Grid-scale batteries
Distributed assets under orchestration
Systems & Processes
Legislative non-compliance summary
Supplier profile
Supplier performance
First tier suppliers
Reportable privacy incidents
Major IT incidents
GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards)
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index
UN Global Compact: Communication on Progress
Assurance Statement
The competencies, experience, behaviours, engagement and wellbeing of AGL’s people.
Health and safety performance - employees
Health and safety performance - contractors
Health and safety performance - combined employees and contractors
Other HSE performance indicators
HSE Certification
Employee engagement
Attrition by tenure
Key talent retention
Employees by location
Employees by age
Employees by employment status
Employees by contract type
Awarded employees
Casual and contractor workforce
Employees by gender
AGL Board of Directors by gender
Women in leadership
Workforce diversity statistics
Parental leave
Internal and new hires by contract type
Internal and new hires by seniority
Workplace issues resolution