Customer debt
Overall customer debt has reduced year on year as customers became more informed and aware of energy efficiency and costs, with many taking up cost effective products and reducing their overall costs. Further to this, additional assistance was provided to customers this year through the AGL Energy COVID-19 Support Program with debt holidays and relief being distributed across impacted customers in both the residential and small business segments.
Staying Connected is AGL Energy's program for energy customers who have been identified as being in financial hardship.
The average energy debt represents the outstanding debt at the customer (rather than account) level asĀ of 30 June in the relevant reporting year.
Debt levels include GST.
Data excludes Unknown Consumers and Commercial & Industrial (C&I) customers. An Unknown Customer is a person/s consuming energy at the property without a registered AGL account.
From FY19 onwards AGL Energy changed its calculation methodology for determining the average energy debt of all AGL Energy customers to account for all AGL Energy's energy customers, rather than only those with debt.
Click Energy customers (acquired during FY21) are included in the data from FY21.