Employee engagement
Employee engagement fell by 11 percentage points compared to FY20. The decline in employee engagement is reflective of the challenging operating context throughout the year and the uncertainty experienced by our people in relation to the proposed demerger.
No engagement survey was undertaken in FY18, however an engagement pulse survey was undertaken in early FY19, measuring engagement at 62%. This is considered a reflection of FY18 employee sentiment.
Engagement scores are calculated using the Aon Hewitt’s Employee Engagement Model, utilising the ORC International methodology. From FY20, engagement was measured using a new platform (Culture Amp), with the methodology applied in the calculation of the scores being consistent with prior years.
Southern Phone and Perth Energy employees were not included in the FY20 engagement survey. These employees were included in FY21.
FY21 engagement survey data does not include Click Energy, Solgen or Epho employees as they were not integrated into AGL Energy's human resource systems when the engagement survey was issued.