Water consumption by facility
AGL Loy Yang's increase in water consumption, up 11%, is the result of increased generation from the facility in FY21. Water consumption at AGL Macquarie increased marginally, up 2%. Torrens Island Power Station water consumption decreased 25% over FY21, associated with reduced generation and the mothballing of two units in FY21 and the transition to more efficient production from Barker Inlet Power Station. Somerton Power Station water consumption decreased 39% due to reduced generation at Somerton Power Station.
Most smaller facilities saw water consumption decrease between 10-50%, expected to be the result of reduced staff and shut downs of sites as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.
Major AGL offices comprise offices in Sydney (NSW), Brisbane (Qld), Bourke Street and Collins Street in Melbourne (Vic) and Eastwood (SA).
Where office buildings are occupied by multiple tenants, AGL's water consumption has been estimated based on property management data for the building, pro-rated to reflect the amount of building floor space occupied by AGL.
For the purposes of this data set, AGL Torrens comprises the Torrens Island Power Station and the Barker Inlet Power Station which commenced operation in December 2019.
Water consumption for AGL facilities located on customer sites is excluded as AGL does not typically hold a water contract at these sites.
Reporting for Kwinana Swift commenced in FY20 as AGL purchased the facility during FY20.
Aside from major offices, data for non-energy producing facilities is excluded where water consumption is not material.
A water meter was installed at the Wallumbilla site during FY20, which enabled water consumption to be accurately measured rather than estimated.
Data reported above excludes produced water from Camden Gas Project (refer to 'Produced water - volume').
Data reported above excludes water that is passed through AGL's hydro generation facilities (refer to 'Managed water').
Data reported above excludes water used for cooling at AGL Torrens (refer to 'Managed water').
Data reported above excludes water used for cooling at Liddell Power station (refer to 'Managed water').
During FY21, approximately 3% of AGL’s total water consumed was in regions of ‘High’ or ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress, according to the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool, Aqueduct (FY20: 0.4%).
SASB IF-EU-140a.1