Operational greenhouse gas footprint (by activity type)
During FY21, emissions from coal fired generation decreased due to outages at Bayswater and Liddell power stations that were partly offset by increased emissions from AGL Loy Yang following the major outage of Unit 2 in the previous year. Emissions from gas fired generation decreased due to the mothballing of the A2 and A4 units at AGL Torrens, partly offset by Barker Inlet Power Station having its first full year of operation.
These figures include Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for facilities which AGL Energy had operational control over during the period, regardless of who owns the asset. Assets where AGL Energy controls or has rights to the electricity output only are not included.
Greenhouse gas emissions have been calculated in accordance with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act methodologies.
Figures have been rounded up to the nearest ktCO2e.
FY21 data was updated in November 2021. Data was not available at the time of the initial release of the 2021 ESG Data Centre on 12 August 2021.
FY20 emissions from gas fired generation and corporate activities and other have been updated in FY21.
GRI Reference: 305-1; 305-2