Casual and contractor workforce
The number of third party providers not providing gender details to AGL Energy continues to increase, which is reflected in the 'Not Stated' category. The increase in the female casual workforce reflects the inclusion of Southern Phone employees.
The AGL Energy contractor workforce includes all Agency Workers, Independent Contractors, Outsourced Payroll Workers, Outsourced Service Workers and Service Entry Workers based both in Australia and offshore.
Casual employees are engaged on the AGL Energy payroll.
Contractors and casuals engaged by Perth Energy (acquired during FY20) and Click Energy (acquired during FY21) are included from FY21.
Casuals engaged by Southern Phone Company (acquired during FY20) are included from FY21, but contractors are not as these records are not readily available.
FY21 data does not include contractors or casuals engaged by Solgen or Epho as they were not integrated into AGL Energy's human resource systems as at 30 June 2020.
NR: Not reported
GRI Reference: 102-8